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Whole Class Reading

An article explaining what whole class reading is. As well as the pros and cons of this approach to reading.

Whole class reading is when the whole class reads the same text together.  This is sometimes seen as an alternative to guided reading, where pupils are divided into smaller groups, based on their reading levels. 

What is Whole Class Reading?

Whole class reading involves the teacher selecting a single text that all students will read together. It might be a novel, short stories or even information pieces. One of our team was recently teaching at a school where they read a speech by Greta Thunberg and at another school where they were reading an Emma Carroll novel. 

Benefits of Whole Class Reading

When all pupils engage with the same text, it can increase conversations about books and make all pupils feel like they have a shared reading experience. 

Teachers can select a high quality text that could be difficult for pupils to read independently. However, with guidance from their teacher they can be given insights that deepen pupil understanding. 

Even though the text is the same, lessons could take different formats. The teacher might model fluent reading, encourage choral reading, partner work or reading aloud.  Independent work could be differentiated to meet the needs of different learners. 

Whole Class Reading Considerations

One consideration might be whether all pupils will be able to access or engage with the text at the same level. 

Similarly, in whole class reading, it could be challenging to provide individual support, in comparison to small group settings. 

If pupils are not interested in the text you are reading they might become disengaged. 

Final Thoughts

Whole class reading promotes engagement and classroom discussions about texts. If you carefully select a range of texts and keep in mind the diverse range of needs in your classroom, it could be a very enjoyable collective reading experience. 

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